Video File Is Not Editable and Cannot Be Added Roxio

  • #3

DV type 2 is the standard codec use by Windows and recognized by most Editors
DV type 1 is a non standard codec and not universal in Editors

You can download this free utility to view the codec properties and if the codec is installed on your system:

Not famillar with Roxio but you could check your properties settings before you capture, it may be set to DV Type 1

  • #5

It does seem a bit akward as you say.
Do you have any settings in your capture program?
If you do, it's also wise to check the audio capture settings these can affect the captured file if it's an audio codec that the program won't recognize

Another alternative is to use a standalone capture program, there's plenty of them available as free downloads and will allow you to capture in different formats, have you tried the inbuilt capture program in Windows Movie Maker ?

The GSpot program gives the file type info in the "container" panel, should tell you whether it's Type1 or Type2 DV

  • #6

Another thought:)

Some video editors default to NTSC 30fps, if your footage is PAL 25fps then the program may refuse to open it, once again check the settings in your video editor.



Distinguished Member

  • #7

Another alternative is to use a standalone capture program, there's plenty of them available as free downloads and will allow you to capture in different formats,

Such as

  • #10

I am not famillar with Roxio, but my only other thought is, are you trying to open the files in the correct manner?
Video editors can use different commands, I.E. open file, import media etc. to open video files.
Some use "open file" as a command to open a saved file.
Does Roxio have any of these commands ?

It seems very strange that it won't recognize DV AVI files:confused:



Distinguished Member

  • #11

Im really not sure why this is occuring
Just for the sake of experimenting, why not download a trial of Sony Vegas movie stusio or Ulead VS and se if they work
Im not that keen on Video wave anyway:)

  • #12

I'm sure it has been improved, but my first editing experience was with an early version of Videowave (version 2 I think) which came bundled with my first DV camcorder, circa 2000. I had lots of problems with it; moved to Vegas and have been more or less happy since.

  • #14

I've not seen that, I guess it has to do with the type 1 file. The difference between type 1 and type 2 as I understand it (and that's not very much) relates to how the audio and video streams are handled. So I suspect Vegas can't process the type 1 directly, and it needs to create this audio proxy for that reason.

  • #15

You could try capturing directly with Vegas and see what happens; I think then it may be Type 2 and not need the proxy step.

  • #16

I've not seen that, I guess it has to do with the type 1 file. The difference between type 1 and type 2 as I understand it (and that's not very much) relates to how the audio and video streams are handled. So I suspect Vegas can't process the type 1 directly, and it needs to create this audio proxy for that reason.

Your right, Type 1 files handle the audio in a different non standard way, programs like Ulead Media Studio Pro used it as standard, I believe it rendered the files faster, this was my preffered editing program for many years, until Vista came along and now it won't work,as far as I know Corel/Ulead have dropped the program and won't offer a Vista compatable version, shame:(



Distinguished Member

  • #18

Sony Vegas Movie Studio +DVD has DVD Architect as a Standalone intergrated program
You could download Uleads MovieFactory trial for burning to DVD .. If not give me a PM , I have a "spare" previous but fully working version you could try



Distinguished Member

  • #19

Both Roxio and WMM could edit some video I captured from the camcorder in mpeg2, so that is an alternative for me. Is the quality much different, it is only for holiday footage, but I was after decent quality...

You could output your DV AVI to mpeg and compare
However there will be a quality drop , it is the extent that will vary . YMMV and you may not notice it much

It sounds like I have a codec problem perhaps, something Vegas can get over, but the more basic packages cannot..... :confused:

It does seem so, I think WMM ( which like Roxio I dont reckon mch with but is all some folk need.. it can be fun to use) and Roxio are using Windows DV codec which is "broken" and Vegas is not

  • #20

So Vegas gives me a way to do what I needed, but will have to spend some money I hadn't planned if I plan to use it after 30 days. I wanted to try and burn the avi to DVD and when I tried I had a message saying I needed some more software to author the DVD. Is this part of the retail package (as I am using a demo) or will I need to buy another 'bit'. I see Sony Vegas movie studio + DVD8 for £39.99, I assume that is it.

You won't need to buy another bit; though I know you have to register the MPEG encoder, and that may not work in the trial.

  • #22

I have the full k-lite codec pack installed in Vista, so I am surprised if I am missing any.

The codec pack could be the problem, some editors and I believe that Ulead Video Studio may be one,Roxio may be another,do not like third party codecs, you could try uninstalling the k-lite codecs.



Distinguished Member

  • #23

The codec pack could be the problem, some editors and I believe that Ulead Video Studio may be one,Roxio may be another,do not like third party codecs, you could try uninstalling the k-lite codecs.

Yep.. worth a go

As an aside
On one of my systems I found that while I could Play AVCHD files from NeroShowtime 4, PowerDVD ultra and WMP (with Core AVC pro) without any problems, installing k-lite stopped this and thereafter nothing could play them
It had to go:suicide:
And even now I can only get the Audio from AVCHD files with WMP
I have nothing against k-lite but in the matter of codecs, I find that installing some 3rd party codecs can really mess windows codec handling up

  • #25

The codec pack could be the problem, some editors and I believe that Ulead Video Studio may be one,Roxio may be another,do not like third party codecs, you could try uninstalling the k-lite codecs.

Yes, this makes sense. Vegas as an option (which is set by default) to "ignore 3rd party codecs".

Video File Is Not Editable and Cannot Be Added Roxio


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