Why Cant I Upload an Android App With Com.to Play Store?

When the application development process is completed, it's loftier time to innovate your special product to the earth. First publishing may be thrilling and tricky. Don't worry. Today we volition guide you through the release procedure on the Play Store that is undoubtedly the leader in the number of published apps and users.

Starting time, we'd like to requite you precious advice: do not postpone some crucial tasks until the release or pre-release appointment. Completing them in advance will save your time and nerves.

And now, let's become started with publishing your very first app.

So, let's become started!

Step ane: Create a Google Developer account

This is something you lot can do at the beginning of the app evolution procedure. Without registering a Google Developer Account, you lot tin't publish your app on the Play Market.

You lot can use whatsoever of your electric current Google accounts or create another i to sign up for a Google Developer Account. It doesn't matter whether it's a private or corporate account. You may hands transfer your app to another one in the future.

The cosmos process includes signing the Google Play Developer distribution understanding, calculation some personal data, and paying a former registration fee of $25. There is nothing complicated. Just follow the instructions.

Google Play Developer distribution agreement

Google Play Programmer distribution understanding

Usually, it takes no more than two days to get approval from Google. Don't worry if you forget to add some information. Y'all can edit your account afterward.

Step 2: Add together a Merchant Business relationship

If you plan to sell paid apps or in-app purchases, yous have to create a Google Merchant Business relationship. There you lot can manage app sales and your monthly payouts, as well as analyze sales reports.

One time you stop creating the Merchant profile, the programmer account gets automatically linked to it.

Pace 3: Ready the Documents

Paperwork always requires much endeavor, particularly when it comes to whatsoever kind of legal documents. Based on our experience, nosotros highly recommend starting to set the Finish User License Agreement (EULA) and Privacy Policy in accelerate.

Y'all tin can have the documents from similar apps every bit references and create your own based on them, or ask a lawyer to make everything from scratch.

EULA is an understanding between y'all as an owner and a user of your production. In brief, it contains:

  • What the users can practise with the app, and what they aren't allowed to do
  • Licensing fees
  • Intellectual holding information, etc.

Terms of Use or Terms and Weather condition explain what services you offer the users and how y'all look them to behave in return. Though Google doesn't demand Terms of Utilise, it's better to publish them. Yous can create ane document, adding there Privacy Policy and Terms of Use capacity.

Pay special attention to include in the Privacy Policy the following data:

  • A complete list of personal information that is nerveless, processed and used through the app
  • Technical information that is nerveless well-nigh the device and the installed Os
  • Functional features of the app, its paid and complimentary functionality
  • Place of registration of the company and/or location of the copyright holder of the application
  • The chosen legal organization and legislation that will exist applied in resolving disputes and regulating legal relations
  • The terms of subscription
  • Citizenship (residence) of the overwhelming majority of awarding users
  • Age criteria, the presence of specific content

Step four: Study Google Developer Policies

We approximate you already fabricated upwards your product concept. Now information technology's time to make sure that every characteristic you volition implement in the app is aligned with the Google Developer Policies. These documents explain how apps need to be adult, updated, and promoted to support the store's high-quality standards.

If Google decides that your product violates some policy capacity, it may be rejected, blocked, or even deleted from the Play Store. As well, numerous and repetitive violations may lead to the programmer account termination.

Read also: Why Google and Apple tree May Remove Your App and How to Bargain With That

So study all the available information advisedly about:

  • Restricted content definition
  • Store listing and promotion
  • Impersonation and intellectual property
  • Rules for monetization and ads
  • Privacy, security and charade regulation
  • Spam and minimum functionality

Google is constantly working on its policies, and it'southward of import to monitor the changes and stay up to date even after your app is released.

Footstep v: Technical Requirements

You lot went through the evolution procedure, endless testing, and issues fixing, and finally, the "Ten-day" comes. Before moving on to the upload process, you lot need to check the following things:

  • Unique Bundle ID

The bundle proper noun should exist suitable over the life of your application. Yous cannot modify it after the distribution. You can set up the packet name in the application'southward manifest file.

  • Signed App Release With a Signing Certificate

Every application should be digitally signed with a developer'due south certificate. The document is used to identify the author of an app and can't be generated again.

  • The App Size

Google set up the limit size of the uploaded file: 100MB for Android two.three and higher (API level 9-10, fourteen and higher) and 50MB for lower Android versions.

If your app exceeds this limit, you lot can always switch to APK Expansion Files.

  • The File Format

Two possible release formats are accepted by Google: app bundle and .apk. Even so, .aab is the preferred i. To utilise this format, you lot need to enroll in app signing by Google Play.

Y'all may learn more than about app file technical requirements in the Developer Documents, Prepare for the release guide.

Footstep half-dozen: Creating the App on the Google Panel

At present y'all have the file that is prepare for uploading. It's time to get to the fun part. Permit's create a new app in your Developer Account:

  • Attain to All applications tab in the carte du jour
  • Now select Create Application
  • Cull the app'southward default linguistic communication from the drop-downwardly menu
  • Add a cursory app description (you tin can change it later)
  • Tap on Create

Afterwards this, you will be taken to the store entry folio, where we will add the consummate information nigh the app.

Step 7: Shop Listing

First, allow's prepare the Shop list. Information technology contains the most important information useful for app store optimization (ASO) and gives the users more details about your app before downloading. The mandatory sections are marked with *.

Yous may need some designer and copywriter efforts, and then it's better to outset preparing the following materials in advance.

  • Production description

It contains a championship of your app (upwardly to 50 symbols), a brief description (up to eighty symbols), and a full description (up to 4000 symbols). Command yourself and do not overdo the keywords.

Store listing Google Play

Store listing

  • Screenshots

You may add from 2 to 8 screenshots. Choose the ones that show the app functionality and value the about.

The requirements are the following:

- JPEG or 24-bit PNG (no alpha)

- from 320px to 3840 px

- the ratio of the long side to the short side should non be more than 2:1

Store listing Product details google play

Shop list - Product details

  • Icon

The requirements are the following:

- 512px by 512px

- 32-bit PNG (with alpha)

- Maximum file size: 1024KB

  • Characteristic graphic

It is an optional marketing tool displayed in various places on the Play Shop, for instance, on the homepage.

The requirements are the following:

- JPEG or 24-bit PNG (no alpha)

- 1024px ten 500px

  • Promo video

If you take any promo video, you may add a link to your YouTube channel. This video will be shown before the screenshots on the app'south page.

  • Tags

Yous may choose from the list the most relevant to your app keywords for meliorate ASO. There is no possibility to add together any custom tags.

  • Localization

If your app supports several languages, mention all of them and add translations of your app's information. It's highly recommended to include localized screenshots and images.

  • Application type and categorization

First, through the drop-down menu, select the awarding type: game or app. Then choice the category that your app fits into. You tin can also add a section to rate your content later uploading APK to Google Play.

App categories on Google Play

App categories on Google Play

  • Contact details

Here yous should provide the back up service contacts. By filling the website URL, email, and phone, you brand information technology easier for the users to contact you lot if necessary.

  • Privacy Policy

Google requires you to add together a link to the Privacy Policy that we discussed higher up.

While editing the Store Listing, you can take a suspension at any moment, click Salve Draft, and complete this phase later.

Step 8: Content Rating

In order not to be marked as an Unrated App (that may lead to app removal), laissez passer a rating questionnaire. You can easily find this section on the left-side menu.

The information provided in the questionnaire must be accurate. Any misrepresentation of your app'south content might lead to interruption or removal of the Play Store business relationship.

  • Click on Save Questionnaire once y'all complete the survey
  • Click on Summate Rating
  • In the stop, click on Apply Rating to confirm the rating and motion forwards with the pricing & distribution programme

Stride 9: Pricing the Application

In the Pricing and distribution section, yous need to fill the following information:

  • Whether your app is complimentary or paid
  • Where the app will be bachelor (just choose the countries from the list)
  • Whether your app will be available only on the specific devices
  • Whether the app has sensitive content and is not suitable for children under the age of 13
  • Whether your app contains ads

Remember that you can change your paid app to a free i later, but you cannot exercise the vice versa. If you decide afterwards that you want to distribute information technology for coin, you'll have to create another app.

Store presence Google Play

Store presence

Footstep 10: Upload APK and Ship for Review

Finally, you are ready to upload your app file. That'due south the most exciting moment e'er.

Let's go to the App Releases section on the left panel. Here you will detect three options for publishing the app: Production, Beta and Blastoff tracks.

We highly recommend starting with Alpha or Beta versions. In this case, later on passing the review procedure, your app volition not be available to everyone on the Play Shop.

The Alpha version assumes airtight testing and is available only to those who y'all invite as testers. The Beta version means that anyone can bring together your testing plan and ship feedback to y'all.

Pre-release testing allows you to gather people's opinions, test your app in a broader audience, and fix issues before making the app public.

Note that if you make up one's mind later to change the Alpha or Beta version to Product type, it will take time to go through some other review round.

Once you choose the type of release, follow the steps:

  • Choose Manage (Production/Beta/Alpha)
  • Click on Edit Release
  • Upload an APK or app parcel

The release name will exist added automatically. For the first time, yous may delete the text from the What'south new in this release field.

App releases Google Play

App releases

  • Click on Review to confirm the changes and send your app to the review by pressing Start rollout to production.

Don't worry that you may forget to add some information. All the fashion, Google will show you the instructions and tips. Really, you lot won't manage to send the app to the review if something of import is missed.

Remember that with the very starting time version, there is no opportunity to set manual publishing. The app will be released right later on information technology passes the review. Usually, information technology takes upward to 2 days. Google says the review process could take up to 7 days or even longer.

One time the app is reviewed, yous'll receive a notification on Google Console Dashboard.

Related: How to Submit an iOS App to the App Shop: A Step-past-Step Guide

Wrapping Upward

We hope these instructions will help you lot to get through the publishing procedure hands, and soon the Play Store users can download your very special app.

But call back that the journey does not stop at publishing. Running a mobile application requires continuous efforts to get information technology trending, otherwise competition will overshadow the app.

Let's hash out your mobile app strategy. Our experts volition assist you in making information technology a success!

This article was originally published on GoodFirms


Source: https://orangesoft.co/blog/how-to-publish-an-android-app-on-google-play-store

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