I Will Not Disobey My Elders Again Essay 10 Commandments for Kids

God gave His law for our good (Deuteronomy x:13). His 10 Commandments are not only for one group of people or 1 historic period grouping. They can exist helpful to kids and adults. And if we break these adept laws, we volition have bad results.

The 10 Commandments show u.s.a. how to love God. He made us, and He loves united states of america deeply. Then knowing the first four commandments helps usa know how to love Him back.

The terminal half dozen commandments show united states how to love other people. It starts with our parents in the Fifth Commandment. Then the terminal five show how to get along with others. Thinking about what they mean tin help kids be good neighbors and expert future husbands and wives. Obeying them can help make other people happy. And we will exist happier as well.

What are the ten Commandments for kids—and for everyone?

10 Commandments, short form

  1. Y'all shall have no other gods earlier Me.
  2. You shall non brand idols.
  3. You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain.
  4. Think the Sabbath twenty-four hour period, to keep information technology holy.
  5. Honor your father and your female parent.
  6. Yous shall non murder.
  7. Yous shall not commit adultery.
  8. You shall not steal.
  9. You shall not deport false witness against your neighbor.
  10. You shall not covet.

The full list includes many more important words, but this short form is a good starting place. Only even in this list there are some words we don't use often today. So information technology can exist helpful to look at the list in a unlike translation of the Bible.

x Commandments simplified

Hither is a simple version of Exodus 20:two-17 from the Contemporary English language Version of the Bible. Some of the words may make this long form of the 10 Commandments easier to understand:

"I am the LORD your God, the one who brought you out of Arab republic of egypt where you were slaves. Do not worship any god except me.

"Do not make idols that look similar anything in the sky or on world or in the ocean under the earth. Don't bow down and worship idols. I am the LORD your God, and I need all your love. If you pass up me, I will punish your families for three or four generations.* But if yous love me and obey my laws, I will be kind to your families for thousands of generations.

"Do not misuse my proper name. I am the LORD your God, and I will punish anyone who misuses my proper noun.

"Think that the Sabbath Day belongs to me. You lot have six days when you tin can do your work, but the seventh 24-hour interval of each week belongs to me, your God. No i is to work on that day—not you lot, your children, your slaves, your animals, or the foreigners who live in your towns. In six days I made the sky, the earth, the oceans, and everything in them, but on the seventh day I rested. That'southward why I made the Sabbath a special day that belongs to me.

"Respect your father and your female parent, and you will alive a long time in the country I am giving you.

"Practise not murder.

"Exist faithful in marriage.

"Do not steal.

"Do not tell lies about others.

"Do not want anything that belongs to someone else. Don't want anyone's house, wife or husband, slaves, oxen, donkeys or annihilation else."

*Note about the Second Commandment: God doesn't punish one person for someone else's sins. The lesson here is the importance of parents' choices. The negative upshot of sin can extend to the side by side several generations.

Now let'due south take a quick look at each commandment as it applies to kids.

The Beginning Commandment for kids

No matter how erstwhile we are, we must put God first in our lives. He is more of import than anyone or anything else. He loves us deeply, so we should beloved Him with all our hearts.No matter how old nosotros are, we must put God first in our lives. He is more important than anyone or anything else. He loves us securely, then we should love Him with all our hearts.

The Bible gives many examples of young people who loved God.

For case, as a young boy, Samuel worked hard at God's tabernacle. When God called, he answered, "Speak, for Your retainer hears." (That'due south in 1 Samuel iii:ten. Read more in our Bible story "Hannah's Gift—Samuel.")

The Second Commandment for kids

God is so great, no motion picture or statue can correspond Him. And images of other false gods are worthless. They lead people abroad from God.

Josiah became rex at age 8. Even when he was young, he learned well-nigh the many idols of imitation gods. He fabricated a program to get rid of them all over his kingdom. Read more in "Josiah: The Boy Who Became Rex."

The Third Commandment for kids

God's name is special. We accept no right to use it carelessly or to use it to curse other people. Sadly, people today misuse God's proper name all the time. We must avoid letting that go into our minds. Jesus even said, "Do not swear at all" (Matthew v:34).

The Fourth Commandment for kids

God rested on the 7th twenty-four hour period, and He wants usa to rest too. Information technology is a day to focus on God, on His beautiful creation and on our families.

Kids and families can do many things to make the Sabbath special. We share a number of these in the article "The Sabbath: A Blessing for Families."

The Fifth Commandment for kids

Paul pointed out the blessing God gave along with the 5th Commandment:

"Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. 'Honor your begetter and female parent,' which is the get-go commandment with promise: 'that it may be well with you and you lot may alive long on the earth'" (Ephesians vi:1-iii).

God wants u.s.a. to care for our parents with respect. He is our Heavenly Father, and we must learn to care for Him with great respect likewise. If nosotros do, we will be blessed.

The 6th Commandment for kids

God gave us life. He wants united states to realize how precious life is, and not to fifty-fifty call back nigh hurting or killing others.

Cain got very aroused and jealous of his brother. He allowed himself to get angrier and angrier. He murdered his own blood brother. We tin learn why we should not call back like that in the Bible story "Cain and Abel."

The 7th Commandment for kids

God created the family. He wanted a human and a woman to love each other and get married before they have children. He wanted the hubby and wife to be faithful to each other before and after marriage.

Today Satan is attacking families. He tries to make people think it is okay to have sex before spousal relationship. He tries to make pornography seem okay. He wants people to do things that seem fun just will injure them and their families.

Kids can obey the Seventh Commandment past deciding to avoid Satan'southward traps. They can decide to save sex for marriage.

The 8th Commandment for kids

Everything nosotros have comes from God. We should be thankful for what we have and effort to work toward getting other things when we can afford them. But kids and adults can be tempted to accept things that are not theirs.

God tells us not to steal. We should not focus on getting merely on giving. God is the great giver, and nosotros should learn to give, not take.

The Ninth Commandment for kids

It can seem so easy to lie. We can prevarication to try to avert getting in trouble. We can prevarication to make ourselves look better. But lying will ever have bad results in the end.

God is the God of truth. He loves honesty, and He wants the states to always be honest. Study the lesson "Shepherding the Heart: Honesty" with your parents.

The 10th Commandment for kids

About of the ten Commandments discuss what we practise. The 10th Commandment discusses what we think. (Of course, what we think often becomes what we practice.)

Coveting—really wanting things nosotros can't or shouldn't accept—is some other trap of Satan's. He wants us to focus on what we can't have. He wants u.s.a. to exist dissatisfied. He knows thinking like this will make us unhappy. It is the opposite of God's way of thinking. It is selfish. God wants the states to exist loving and giving.

When we really think most all of God's laws, we encounter that they are expert. And they are for our good.When we really think about all of God's laws, we run across that they are good. And they are for our good.

Singing the praises of God's police

David enjoyed the beauty of God'due south creation every bit he cared for sheep. He wrote songs almost the earth and the sky and the laws of God. Singing about God's commandments helped him remember them and alive by them.

Here is office of one of his songs about God's laws:

"The law of the LORD is perfect, converting the soul; the testimony of the LORD is certain, making wise the unproblematic; the statutes of the LORD are right, rejoicing the heart; the commandment of the LORD is pure, enlightening the optics; the fearfulness of the LORD is make clean, enduring forever; the judgments of the LORD are true and righteous altogether.

"More than to be desired are they than gilt, yea, than much fine gold; sweeter also than love and the honeycomb. Moreover by them Your servant is warned, and in keeping them there is great advantage" (Psalm 19:7-11).

David loved God's police. In the next verse, though, David admitted that he withal had faults. He knew he needed God's help when he sinned.

What happens when we break God's law?

God knows we brand mistakes. He knows nosotros tin fall into traps gear up past the devil. He knows that everyone sometimes breaks His law. The Bible calls this sin. It says everyone has sinned, even the heroes of the Bible. Merely Jesus Christ, the Son of God, didn't sin.

As the Son of God, He was willing to pay the penalisation of our sin for us. He was willing to dice! If we repent—commit to change—God forgives usa.

And so the x Commandments show united states what we did wrong. We tell God we are distressing for breaking His police force. We tell Him we don't want to practice it again. Nosotros inquire Him for His help to obey His adept police force. We think about His law. We effigy out what to do to avoid sin. We commit to living by His practiced and pure commandments.

God loves to hear from kids. Jesus Christ made fourth dimension for children. He pointed out their skillful examples. And He will assist you. He tin guide you by His Holy Spirit being with you. He can pb you to the time when you lot are ready as an adult to make the lifetime commitment of baptism. From then on, God's Holy Spirit will non only be with y'all, but in y'all (John 14:17).

Notes to parents

The Bible encourages parents to teach their children about God and His means, including His laws.

"And these words which I command yous today shall exist in your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when yous sit in your house, when you lot walk by the way, when yous prevarication downwards, and when y'all rising upwardly" (Deuteronomy half dozen:half dozen-7).

The 10 Commandments should be a foundational attribute of that teaching.

Here are some tips for teaching the ten Commandments.

  • Memorize the short course of the commandments along with your kids. This can involve repetition, humor, making a game of it and mayhap offer a reward.
  • Be sure to also go over the long form of the Commandments occasionally, so your children accept a fuller picture of the longer commandments. Talk over how the additional cloth adds to the meaning.
  • Discuss news events through the lens of the x Commandments. Inquire your children which commandment or commandments were broken. How did the breaking of these commandments lead to bad conditions?
  • Read our Bible story "Moses and the x Commandments" with your kids.

About the Writer

Mike Bennett

Mike Bennett

Mike Bennett is editorial content director for the Church of God, a Worldwide Association, in the Dallas, Texas, area. He coordinates the Life, Promise & Truth website, Discern magazine, the Daily Bible Poesy Blog and the Life, Promise & Truth Weekly Newsletter (including World Lookout Weekly). He is also part of the Personal Correspondence team of ministers who have the privilege of answering questions sent to Life, Hope & Truth.

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Source: https://lifehopeandtruth.com/bible/10-commandments/the-ten-commandments/10-commandments-for-kids/

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